Nature, Awe & Artist
Reconnect with nature and your own creativity.
Learn to see nature through the eyes of an artist. No artistic talent required. We will slow right down and explore different ways of perceiving and appreciating the natural world all around us. We will be guided through experimenting with mark making and drawing. We will try to reconnect to nature and our innate freedoms of exploring and wonder.
Bring 3 things from nature that have caught your eye to contribute to the pool of objects to draw.
Bring paper, pens, paints, whatever you like to draw/paint with – paper, ink and brushes will also be supplied.
Fiona is an artist interested in healing the separation between nature and humans. To make the shift from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining society we need to notice the natural world around us and normalise an attitude of caring and reverence.

Date: Saturday April 7, 2018
Time: 1-3pm
Location: Dorrigo High School, as part of the Abundance Festival